Monday, September 24, 2012

Douglas Brian Anyoso Autobiography

Welcome to the First Annual Hamomi Composition Competition! Our twelve 8th grade students, (and upcoming graduates), typed and submitted essays based on a simple, yet massive prompt: write your autobiography. They did a fantastic job. Read them to know and understand our students and their struggles a bit better.

You determine the winner of the Composition Competition too! Links for voting will be in the next newsletter, so be sure you're on our mailing list if you'd like to vote!


I was born in 1998 on 11th November at Siaya. When I was born my mother was very sick. A lot of money was required, for treatment. I was given the name Anyoso by my grandfather. It was after his brother who was called Anyoso died. The name Anyoso means night. When I was 5 years old I started school at Green view Academy. I was in baby class, I later joined pre-school. After one year I was interviewed and promoted to class one. One day, during August holiday, I was eight years old and in class three.  I went to visit my grandfather.

I didn’t know what he was planning for me. After a few days of staying there he got me circumcised according to our custom and traditions. It was done in a funny way. My uncle lied to me, that we were going to the market for a show. When we got there he bought me a bottle of soda. Before I knew what was happening he took me to the health center and talked to a doctor quietly then they took me to a nice room and circumcised me.

The place smelt of disinfectant and medicines. I didn’t like it there and I was angry with my grandfather, for taking me to the doctor to be circumcised. I was about nine years old. Of course in my tribe people must be intiated through circumcision. I had learnt that from some of  my friends, who were already done with it. It only took about 3 weeks to heal. My emotions changed to pride. I went to my friends and showed a new me. I went back to my father and told him about it. He didn’t got surprised although he was happy I had crossed that line. He added to my pride by giving me several presents.

A year later, my parents decided to start their own business in Busia town. We moved from Siaya to Busia where I joined a new school. I started playing soccer. I played very hard with a lot of commitments. One day while rushing for the ball I collided with a bigger boy. My left arm broke. I screamed in pain. The teacher called my father with his phone. He was shocked to find me in hospital and in pain. I missed school for about six months.

Later, my parents decided to close the business because they had no money. All the money was used to pay my hospital bill. This was the plan, mother and children had to go back to the rural home, and father was to go to Nairobi with his cousin, to look for a job. I was happy to meet my grandparents again. I remembered how they had organized for my circumcision some time ago. Grandfather was happy to see me grown in to a big boy. I helped him to take care of his cows. I even learnt how to milk a cow. I made sure that grandmothers’ eggs were safe. 

I later joined school, with the help of grandfather. I was behind and could not do well. However, people understood my problem. My father was also concerned with my progress in school. He likes education himself.  He wants me to be like him. Am now in Hamomi and working hard to pass my final exam. 

Thank you

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